Posts Tagged ‘Rick Warren Said What?’


Rick Warren Said What?

April 5, 2011

Now another weakness of the church today, when it comes to learning, is that we’re not teaching people to be self feeders. We’re doing all the feeding rather than teaching them how to feed themselves.” – R ick Waren, Desiring God Conference 2010, Rick Warren VS. The Gospel (Part 1 of 2): 02:58-03:07, 13/10/2010.


“The problem today is that we know far more than we’re doing and we’re teaching people too much. We’re teaching them so much we can’t apply it.” –Rick Waren, Desiring God Conference 2010, Rick Warren VS. The Gospel (Part 1 of 2): 00:08-00:18, 03:20-00:30, 05:08-05:18, 06:54-07:04, 13/10/2010.


“I hate it when conference speakers promote their books- and I hate that. But there’s a book you need to teach your congregation. It’s called ‘Warren’s Bible Study Methods’. I wrote it thirty four years ago. It teaches you how to do a systematic bible study; thematic study; how to do a book synthesis; what are the nine steps of chapter analysis; what are the steps on how to do a word study; what are the steps on how to do a biographical study; how do you do a chapter summary.

If you’re going to teach people how to fight the battle for the mind, you must teach them how to let God stretch their imagination.” –Rick Waren, Desiring God Conference 2010, Rick Warren VS. The Gospel (Part 1 of 2): 5:30-5:42, 5:48-53, 6:14-6:18, 6:17-6:36, 6:41-6:50, 13/10/2010.


“It takes more than belief. It takes more than faith to really please God. He says it takes faith that resolves in loving others. Religion without love doesn’t matter. It’s not enough to say, ‘I believe’, or that I even know my purpose. What matters is how I love God and how I love other people. That’s the great commandment.” –Rick Waren, Pirate Christian Radio:  12:11-13:07, 15/02/2011.


“It’s quite easy for me to justify my prideful judgments of others since Satan is so helpful in suggesting rationalizations.” – Rick Warren,, 12:15:19PM, 20/11/2010.


“God rewards believers faith even if they are doctrinally off because he loves to bless anyone who loves, obeys, and trusts him” – Rick Warren,, 7:27:55AM, 21/11/2010.


“To think that trusting Christ takes a LEAP of faith is to misunderstand it. It’s really a logical,rational,intelligent STEP” – Rick Warren,, 11:48:7AM, 19/11/2010.


“Love is angry at evil. Get angry at rape, abuse, injustice, prejudice, greed, your apathy “But in your anger don’t sin” Eph 4:26” – Rick Warren,, 8:10:00AM, 14/11/2010.


“Some blogs are just people with no credibility in their own town pretending to be experts & fantasizing everyone listening.” – Rick Warren,, 6:53AM, 13/11/2010.


“A good leader thinks about the next move. A great leader is thinking about an entire strategy.” – Rick Warren,, 5:18PM, 12/11/2010.


“Heresy is claiming u follow Christ while attacking fellow believers. Disrespecting God’s family is using God’s name in vain.” – Rick Warren,, 6:58AM, 12/11/2010.


“The most sensitive nerve in your body connects your heart to your wallet. In giving, many people stop at nothing!” – Rick Warren,, 3:42PM, 11/12/2010.


“God gave Job DOUBLE for his trouble AFTER he started praying for those who had misjudged & criticized him. See Job 42:10” – Rick Warren,, 1:39PM, 10/11/2010.


“”In the world,leaders do power plays over others.But your leadership is to be different.U r2 lead by being a servant” Jesus” – Rick Warren,, 01:05AM, 09/11/2010.


“It’s easy to lead if u can pay & fire people. Real leaders can lead VOLUNTEERS to serve & sacrifice. Pastors do that daily.” – Rick Warren,, 12:46AM, 09/11/2010.


“Seminars overvalue what business leaders can teach pastors & undervalue what pastors could teach business about leadership” – Rick Warren,, 12:39AM, 02/11/2010.


“Seeing the situation from God’s perspective is a distinguishing mark of godly leadership in contrast to worldly leadership” – Rick Warren,, 12:24AM, 09/11/2010.


“Matt13 NOT YOUR JOB to discern the weeds from wheat in God’s field!Dont play God! You should be sowing&cultivating instead!” – Rick Warren,, 5:31AM, 04/11/2010.